Why Is Now A Good Time To Get A Business Website? (Top 5 Reasons)
Are you kidding me? With government restrictions closing businesses, people losing their jobs, people not being able to get out to spend, how does it make sense that this is a good time?
Well, it’s true that businesses might be struggling for all those reasons, but not all businesses are struggling. So here are the top 5 reasons why now is a really good time to invest in a quality, purpose-built website:
5 Reasons Why There Has Never Been A Better Time To Get A Business Website
1. More people are looking for businesses online
Because people have been stuck at home, there has been a significant increase in the use of the internet to find goods and services. And that’s a trend that’s going to remain once government restrictions are lifted. More and more people have realised that it’s not only convenient, but safe to order and purchase goods and services online.
With more businesses getting online, the competition for your business is increasing. There are two ways of looking at this.
2. It helps you to be more competitive
Obviously, if more people are making their buying decisions online and your competitors are online, not having a website puts you at an immediate disadvantage. Smart business owners realise it’s something they need to do just to retain their market share, to remain competitive.
3. It helps you gain a competitive advantage
Again, if more people are buying online and your competitors do not have a website, having a website provides you with an immediate advantage over them. It is an easy way to increase your market share, to gain a competitive advantage.
Money is not tight. At least, not in the normal way. Right now, the same government restrictions that have led to this situation has been backed up by unprecedented levels of government support for business.
4. Show me the money
The Government is throwing money at people and businesses left, right and centre in the form of stimulus packages aimed at keeping a hamstrung economy going. There are one-off payments and covid-19 supplements for individuals, plus a raft of grants and tax benefits for businesses. And banks are joining in with deferred loan repayments.
Sole traders, employers and companies can all benefit from this.
The SA Business Information Hub has information on financial support for South Australian businesses. Check out these links:
Every State will have its own information on grants, subsidies and support packages.
5. It's a business asset
It can help you track how your business is doing and increases the value of your business if you ever want to sell it.
The Australian Tax Office is also coming to the party with asset write-off. Considering your business website will have ongoing and long-lasting income benefits, that’s just cream on the top of the cake.
So there you have it; the top 5 reasons why now is a good time to get a business website.
If you would like more information on what is involved in getting a professional, custom-built website, which will be a long-term asset that more than pays for itself, call 0414 754 371 or email Fast Forward Websites today. info@fastforwardwebsites.com.au

Fast Forward Websites Is An Adelaide-based Web Designer
We are South Australian based, so if you are South Australian, we’re your local. Of course, in the world of the internet, there is no reason why your web designer cannot be across the country, or even across the world. This means we can help you no matter where you are based, and would be very pleased to do so.
However, we know that a lot of people like dealing with and supporting local businesses. If you would prefer a local website builder, we have affiliates in each State that we would be happy to put you in touch with. They are all independent, highly trained and highly qualified web designers. In short, just like Fast Forward Websites, the type of people you can entrust to create your business asset.
To find out more about what kind of website would suit your business and how it can help you: